Key Ingredients:
[Pearl-Kissed Lip Glace]
This product combines mild plumping ingredients with a volumizing complex to deliver a shiny, thick gloss. Utilizing a gelling formula and gelatrix technology, it adheres to the lips by melting at body temperature, applying an even, glowing gloss. The oil’s natural rise during ultrasonication fills in wrinkles, creating a visibly thicker and more luminous look.
[Deep-Kissed Lip Enamel]
This product also combines mild plumping ingredients with a volumizing complex for a shiny, thick gloss. It is formulated with a low refractive index oil component and a dense solid wax formula, along with a gelling formula, to ensure smooth application. When ultrasonicated, it forms a clear, thick gloss.
Usage Instructions:
More Useful Information:
121 Peter: A translucent ash black color blended with white and blue pearls.
122 Neverland: A hazel brown color blended with red and gold pearls.
123 Tick-Toc: A soft, translucent poppy candy pink color blended with red and blue pearls.
124 Ms. Bell: A soft, translucent muted lavender color blended with white and red pearls.
125 Wendy: A soft, translucent baby pink color blended with white and red pearls.
126 Michael: A soft, translucent nude beige color blended with gold and red pearls.
127 John: A soft, translucent vintage rose color blended with white and red pearls.
128 Tiger Lily: A soft, translucent golden orange color blended with gold and red pearls.
129 Smee: A pink coral color blended with gold and red pearls.
130 Captain Hook: A dark cherry color blended with red and white pearls.
[Deep-Kissed Lip Enamel]
151 Lost Boys: A soft mulberry pink color symbolizing the pure lost boys.
152 Clock Tower: A mauve rose color symbolizing London’s clock tower.
153 London: A soft brick rose color symbolizing 19th-century London.
154 Barrie: A crimson red color symbolizing Barrie’s worldview.
155 Forever Child: An amber orange color symbolizing nostalgia and longing for childhood.
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